1226 N Belt Line Rd
Irving, TX 75061
Monday | 7:30AM - 3:00PM | | |
Tuesday | 7:30AM - 3:00PM | | |
Wednesday | 7:30AM - 3:00PM | | |
Thursday | 7:30AM - 3:00PM | | |
Friday | 7:30AM - 3:00PM | | |
Saturday | | | 8:00AM - 12:00PM |
Sunday | CLOSED |
All fingerprinting will be completed in accordance with industry standards. Fees charged for fingerprinting or notary services are for our time and labor spent meeting with you, thus we have a no refund policy. We do guarantee our fingerprinting so if your fingerprint records are returned by the authorities or FBI deemed as unclassifiable due to our error, we will reprint you once more at no charge in our Irving , TX office - If requested, we will reprint you at your location, however, a mobile trip charge will apply for time and fuel used while traveling. Rejections are most often due to adverse skin conditions such as medical issues (chemotherapy - eczema), washing hands excessively, dry cracking skin, cracks and lighter ridge detail due to aging, callused fingertips and injuries or amputations. Due to any of these adverse skin conditions, no fingerprint technician has a perfect record and a rejection due to these reasons are not the technicians fault. If your cards are rejected due to missing information, this will not be deemed “our fault”. Customer must fill out all blocks on fingerprint cards prior to sending to FBI. If your fingerprints are rejected for any reason not deemed our fault, we will charge our normal fee for re-printing you. If your fingerprints are returned due to low ridge detail or a skin condition preventing us from recording classifiable fingerprints (or other reason not deemed our fault, such as missing information on cards, etc.), we must charge standard rates for another set of fingerprints. We maintain an extraordinarily low rejection rate. In the unlikely event that you are notified of your fingerprints being returned, simply call ahead to schedule an appointment and bring the rejection letter you received with your receipt for your reprints – MUST present receipt and rejection letter. It is your responsibility to know if you are required to obtain ink based or electronic fingerprinting for your background check prior to scheduling an appointment with us. Blank FD-258 cards purchased are final sales and are non-refundable.